Many activities were undertaken since the launch of comics Zoid, Immune Agent and Peace Crusade.
Bate-papo na Livraria Devir comandado por Marko Ajdaric, um batalhador pelo universo dos quadrinhos (esquerda). Completam a foto: Egidio (autor, ao microfone), Elvis (ilustrador do Agente Imunológico) e Adriano (ilustrador do gibi Zoide - à extrema direita).
Chat with the public at Bookstore Becoming, under the command of Marko Ajdaric, a struggling comic in the universe (left). Completing the picture: Egidio (author, at the microphone), Elvis (illustrator Immune Agent) and Adriano (illustrator of the comic Zoid - far right).
Another event happened in the Estação da Luz (Railway Station) in a fair of books and magazines aimed at the general public. The fair was held in 9.12.2006, from the Pinacoteca of São Paulo and the Museum of the Portuguese Language in the Estação da Luz (Light Railway Station), in São Paulo.
João Batista Simplício e Lucas Trambaiolli na Rua do Livro, ao lado da Estação da Luz, vendendo os gibis Zoide, O Agente Imunológico e Cruzada da Paz, de minha autoria pela Editora Uirapuru.
João Batista Simplício and Lucas Trambaiolli in the Book Street, next to the Estação da Luz (Station of Light), selling comics Zoid, Immune Agent and Peace Crusade of my authorship by Publisher Uirapuru.
João Batista Simplício and Lucas Trambaiolli in the Book Street, next to the Estação da Luz (Station of Light), selling comics Zoid, Immune Agent and Peace Crusade of my authorship by Publisher Uirapuru.
Gibis em exposição.
Comic books on display.
The Street Book was a success and the comics a lot of attention. Until certain personalities endorsed that idea. The Brazilian rapper Gabriel o Pensador (Gabriel the Thinker), a lot of fun with the comic Zoid, to approach the Education and Sexual Orientation.
Gabriel o Pensador exibindo sua camiseta Zoide.
Gabriel o Pensador displaying his Zoid T-shirt.
Gabriel o Pensador displaying his Zoid T-shirt.
O Gabriel é mesmo um gozador!
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