The Comic Crusade of Peace was presented with Zoid and The Immune Agent for the public at some events. The photo below was taken during the launch of a sports show on TV.
Dr. Ricardo (esquerda); Andrés Sánchez, presidente do Sport Club Corinthians Paulista (camisa branca), Egidio Trambaiolli Neto e Basílio, jogador de futebol autor do gol corinthiano do título de 1977 (direita).
Dr. Ricardo (left), Andrés Sánchez, president of Sport Club Corinthians Paulista (white shirt), Egidio Trambaiolli Neto and Basílio, soccer player author's Corinthians goal title of 1977 (right).
Em meio à gravação do programa, vários assustos ligados ao futebol foram ao ar, mas por várias vezes os gibis também receberam a atenção, em especial, o Cruzada da Paz e a violência entre torcidas.
In the midst of recording the show, several football subjects have been reviewed live, but the comics have also received a special attention, in particular, the Crusade of Peace and the subject violence among supporters.
Da esquerda para a direita: Andrés Sánchez, Basílio, César Maluco, Dr. Ricardo e Egidio.
From left to right: Andrés Sánchez, Basílio, César Maluco, Dr. Ricardo, and Egidio.
From left to right: Andrés Sánchez, Basílio, César Maluco, Dr. Ricardo, and Egidio.
Outro evento para o qual fui convidado foi o Prêmio Ângelo Agostini, quando palestrei para os presentes sobre a aplicação das Histórias em Quadrinhos em materiais educacionais.
Another event for which I was invited was Angelo Agostini Prize, when a lecture to the present on the application of comics in educational materials.
Egidio palestrando durante o Prêmio Ângelo Agostini
Egidio speaking during Angelo Agostini Prize
Egidio speaking during Angelo Agostini Prize
Os três leais companheiros: Elvis, ilustrador de O Agente Imunológico (esquerda); Adriano, ilustrador de Zoide (centro) e João Batista, chefe de produção (direita).
The three loyal companions: Elvis, illustrator of The Immune Agent (left), Adriano, illustrator Zoid (center) and João Batista, head of production (right).
The three loyal companions: Elvis, illustrator of The Immune Agent (left), Adriano, illustrator Zoid (center) and João Batista, head of production (right).
Durante o evento dos dez anos do representante da Lego Education, no Brasil, os autores das revistas e criadores Zoom foram agraciados com um troféu comemorativo pelos trabalhos realizados.
During the event ten years of LEGO Education's representative in Brazil, the authors and creators of Zoom Magazine were awarded a commemorative trophy for the work accomplished.
Da esquerda para a direita: Deise Aguiar (autora da Educação Infantil), Valéria (coordenadora pedagógica do projeto), Leny Pimenta (idealizadora e autora do Ensino Fundamental - 1) e Egidio (idealizador, editor e autor do Ensino Fundamental - 1 e 2)
From left to right: Deise Aguiar (author of Early Childhood Education), Valéria (pedagogical coordinator of the project), Lenny Pimenta (creator e author of Elementary School), Egidio (creator, editor and author of Elementary School and Middle School)
From left to right: Deise Aguiar (author of Early Childhood Education), Valéria (pedagogical coordinator of the project), Lenny Pimenta (creator e author of Elementary School), Egidio (creator, editor and author of Elementary School and Middle School)